individual Services

individual counselling & Psychotherapy - 60min

ONLINE ($130)

IN-PERSON ($140)

IN-NATURE ($180)

20% Student discount on all services (please email through a photo of your student ID prior to booking to receive discount code).

individual counselling & Psychotherapy - 90min

ONLINE ($180)

IN-PERSON ($190)

IN-NATURE ($230)

20% Student discount on all services (please email through a photo of your student ID prior to booking to receive discount code).

couples Services

couples counselling & Psychotherapy - 90min

ONLINE ($200)

IN-PERSON ($210)

IN-NATURE ($250)

20% Student discount on all services (please email through a photo of both your student IDs prior to booking to receive discount code).

*Unfortunately Medicare rebates are not yet available for counselling or psychotherapy.

*Cancellation policy: If you need to cancel your appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment start time, there may be a 50% payment requirement.